What types of advertising exist today
What types of advertising are there?
Printed advertising
It is the advertising that is done in any printed medium, whether it is newspapers, magazines or brochures. Newspapers and magazines have a high loyalty rate (those who buy the newspaper always opt for it), although their reach rate is decreasing due to the media crisis. Magazines offer the possibility of segmentation according to subject matter (there are magazines for sport, health, cinema…).
Online advertising
Online advertising is that which is done through the Internet. They can be banners inserted in a website, search engine ads that appear when users do a certain search or ads in social networks. Because of its relatively low cost and potentially huge audience, online advertising is experiencing strong growth.
Radio Ads
Radio spots are the announcements you hear in the commercial breaks of radio programs. It is perhaps the type of advertising that is falling most rapidly into disuse. However, radio is still one of the most popular media for older people, so advertising is a good way to reach that niche.
TV commercials
Television continues to be one of the companies’ favourite means of advertising. It has a great reach, and allows for impact ads that combine image and sound. They are particularly useful if you need to demonstrate how a product or service works. One of their main disadvantages is price, as a TV ad is usually much more expensive than any other medium.
Outdoor advertising
One type of advertising that never goes out of fashion is outdoor advertising, that is, advertising that appears in public places. The most common advertising elements in outdoor advertising are posters, billboards, luminous signs, banners, awnings…
Outdoor advertising is used on its own or, on many occasions, as a complement to other types of advertising. At ClickPrinting we are specialists in large format printing. Contact us and make sure your outdoor advertising does not go unnoticed.
Advertising below the line
Among the types of advertising it is perhaps the most novel. Below the line advertising or non-conventional advertising has no fixed support, it is about making a new idea, never seen before, to advertise a brand.
It is difficult to frame this type of advertising communication because it acts in different ways, from performances in the street that seek repercussions in the media to advertisements in non-conventional supports like the previous ones.
Other ways to define what types of advertising exist
Usually, when we talk about what types of advertising exist, we take into account a criterion based on the media, as we have done before, however, many other criteria can be taken which give us a much broader view of what marketing, and specifically advertising, is today.
Advertising by content
Not all advertising is commercial, not all ads want you to buy something, not all ads are informative. There are, for example, emotional advertisements, which seek to reach the public through the emotional component, but there is also comparative and transformative advertising, the latter trying to reverse behaviour and usually supported by a public body.
Advertising by advertiser
There are three main types of advertisers, on the one hand, private companies, which account for 90% of advertising, although this percentage varies depending on the country. In addition to the private initiative there are other bodies that also spread their messages through advertising, these are the non-profit associations (NGOs) and the public administration, from the State to municipal corporations.
Advertising by location
There can be local, regional, national and international advertising, it depends on the scope and target we manage for a given campaign.
Advertising subtypes
It should be noted that, within the general types we saw earlier, other divisions can be made that determine the status of an advertisement.
Taking as an example graphic advertising, one of the great advertising groups in the world, we can establish many subdivisions that give us an image of the possibilities offered by the printed media for commercial communication. In this way we could subdivide printed advertising by the following criteria:
- Depending on the medium, on billboards, mupis, urban posters…
- Depending on the scope
- Depending on who the advertiser is
- Depending on the type of message that the campaign conveys
Which of these types of advertising do you think is most effective and why? We look forward to your feedback. If you are preparing a graphic campaign for your company and want to have the best printing services, contact ClickPrinting, we know all the types of advertising and we offer the best service in print ads.